Imagine if you could feel like you have your shit together as a new mom...

You'd be able to:

Get Your Relationship Back On Track with your partner

Feel Like You Are Doing Enough

stop feeling so guilty

manage all your emotions

& Be With Other Moms Who Actually Get What You're Going Through


Listen to the

video mama!

It's Not Just You...

Being A Mom Is


But We're Expected to Love Every Minute

of Motherhood

It's no wonder you are...

  • Anxious
  • Lonely but never alone
  • Overwhelmed
  • Questioning if you are doing enough
  • Feeling like you're failing
  • Snapping at your partner
  • Exhausted & Drained
  • Feeling resentful & angry

YOU love your baby

more than anything...

But you didn't expect motherhood to be this hard

You are the one in charge of all thinking, planning & organizing

The mental gymnastics of being the CEO of the household is exhausting--always making sure there are enough diapers, scheduling doctor appointments, knowing when kids are almost out of clean clothes, etc.

Your snapping at your partner over who does more

Your partner will help but only when you tell them to do something or if you get annoyed

You barely have time to do simple human things--like pee by yourself

You are always putting the needs of others before your own

on the outside everything seems great...

but on the inside you are struggling

If You Continue Down This Road

Your Relationship With Your Partner & Kids Will Seriously Suffer

As A Mom of 2 Little Guys I Know EXACTLY What You

Are Going Through...

And as a Psychologist Who

ONLY Works With Moms

I Have the Training & Expertise to Transform Your

Motherhood Experience

Hey mama!

I'm Dr. Michelle Casarella

When I was pregnant with my first son in 2017, I wasn't worried.

I had YEARS of training &

experience as a psychologist.

I already knew how to manage emotions & I was taking an extended maternity leave to bond with my baby--

My plan was set!

Then I became a mom & realized babies don't give a shit about your plans.

I struggled more

than I ever expected...

I knew if I was struggling as an mental health professional then other moms HAD to be also. I started applying all my years of training and expertise and adapting it to mom life.

So I quit my job as a psychologist for the New York City Police Department and opened a therapy practice exclusively for moms. I absolutely love doing therapy with my mom clients! And my clients are completely transforming their motherhood experience.

I realized not everyone has the time and/or money to dedicate to therapy.

So I've taken what I teach in therapy & condensed it down into the practical & actionable strategies in a coaching format


Feeling confident as a mom

Enjoying motherhood

Feeling connected to your partner again

You Deserve Happiness

In Your Home

THEy say it takes a village...

here's yours mama


Mental Wellness

Mamas Membership

with Dr. Michelle Casarella

The Membership is Right For You If You Can Say Yes To 2+:

  • you have a baby (whether it's your first, second, or 5th!)
  • on the outside everything is "fine" but on the inside you are struggling
  • you are the "default" parent (the one doing more of the thinking, planning, worrying, etc.)
  • you are feeling resentful of your partner
  • you feel like you're not even sure who you are anymore since becoming a mom
  • you are feeling overwhelmed & burned out
  • you love your kids more than anything AND sometimes you count down the minutes until bedtime
  • you have mom guilt
  • your older child is acting out since getting a sibling

What's included inside...



2x a month you can ask me ANYTHING related to managing the emotions of mom life. If you can't make it live, don't worry mama! You can pre-submit your question and watch the replay

Walk Away With:

Practical & Actionable Strategies


monthly training

Sample Topics Include:

  • How to NOT hate your partner
  • Managing anxious thoughts
  • How to get your partner to help without having to ask
  • How to manage your mom guilt
  • How to prepare older child for baby
  • So much more!

Walk Away With:

Expertise From A Psychologist


guest experts

Sample Topics Include:

  • Managing Pelvic Floor Issues
  • Sleep support that fits your parenting style
  • All things breastfeeding
  • Managing your time as a mom to be the most efficient
  • Going back to work
  • Starting baby on solids
  • Postpartum fitness
  • Developmental milestones
  • So much more!
  • Here's some stufS

Walk Away With

Relevant, practical & actionable strategies. You can consume these topics when it's relevant for you so it's not information overload.



Access to an exclusive Facebook group of moms who know EXACTLY what you're going through! It's vetted & monitored so it's a judgment-free zone.

Walk Away With

Deep connections, support & laughs!


Access to exclusive content

Every time I release content, it will be included in the membership!

Walk Away With

Incredible ongoing value!


giving your family a happy & confident mom

Priceless Benefits

You'll Get:

tangible tips that can be implemented without adding more to your to-do list

a complete understanding of what your needs actually are and how to get them met without generic advice on self-care

communication skills so you can get your point across without ruining your relationships

genuine support from other moms who get you are without any judgment

tools to actually manage your mom guilt so it doesn't consume you

you'll learn a framework backed by research on how to manage your own emotions to have more patience and happiness

custom 1:1 answers to your questions from a psychologist who works with moms (and is a mom herself!)

All WITHOUT wasting your three

most important mom resources:


I won't add MORE to your plate mama--you have enough to do & little time!


I package everything for you in an easy to use format so you can spend your energy on your family!


You'll NEVER get access to a mom psychologist at such an incredible value!

plus 4 incredible bonuses


25 minute private call with

Dr. Michelle Casarella

You'll get a 1:1 completely private call with Dr. Michelle to get started on what YOU need to actually enjoy motherhood!

Value $297


EXCLUSIVE lifetime ACCESS TO MASTERCLASS ON HOW TO not hate your partner after kids

Every mom hates their partner (a little or a lot) after baby! It's normal & I'll teach you how to make it better!

Value $297


exclusive lifetime access to masterclass on how to help your older child adjust to having a sibling

Imagine if your partner brought home their mistress & expected you to be fine with them becoming a part of your family? That's what having a sibling can feel like. Even if your older kid doesn't show it at first, they need the reassurance they are still loved and special.

Value $297



Custom Workbook For Every Month to Help Keep You Organized, Accountable & Focused On Your Goals

Value $97


Bonus group accountability call in 3rd Month

To Help You Stay on Track! Because Mom Life Always Pulls Us in a Million Directions

Value $297

Included in Membership:

2x Monthly Group Coaching

($597 Value)

1x Monthly Training

($297 Value)

1x Monthly Guest Expert

($197 Value)


25 minute 1:1 call with Dr. Michelle

($147 Value)

How to Not Hate Your Partner Masterclass ($297 Value)

Prepping Older Kid for Baby Masterclass

($297 Value)

Monthly Workbook

($97 Value)

Bonus Group Accountability Call

($297 Value)

Total Value = $2,226

Excluisve PRICE

$97 a month

(3 month committment = $291)

**payment plan available**

spots in the membership are extremely limited

This ensures I can give every mama the attention & support they deserve!

You Will NEVER Get Direct Access

To A Mom Psychologist

For At Such An Incredible Value!

Manicures & Massages Are Great--

But Won't Give You Truly Happy Family

This Membership is the Kind of Self-Care That Will ACTUALLY Change Your Life

what moms haVE to say...

“I gEt A Lot of really useful Feedback And tangible Actions That I can actually implement"

"I have SUCH a better connection with my husband and so much more of an understanding of myself and why I do what I do. I am SO much happier and I feel like such a better mom. Dr. Michelle is AMAZING and totally got me."


White Plains, N.Y.

Mom of 3


Greenwich, CT

Mom of 2

"I am a better mom because of dr. Michelle"

"My older kid was having a REALLY hard time with adjusting to having a sibling. Dr. Michelle has taught me everything I need to do to make that adjustment SO much better for our whole family. She is a lifesaver!"

“you will never meet a more relatable psycholgist than michelle"

"I have SUCH a better connection with my husband and so much more of an understanding of myself and why I do what I do. I am SO much happier and I feel like such a better mom. Dr. Michelle is AMAZING and totally got me."

Jennifer Ricio

Tampa, FL

Mom of 1

"my husband actually does stuff without me nagging and we actually feel like the couple we were before our baby was born"

"My older kid was having a REALLY hard time with adjusting to having a sibling. Dr. Michelle has taught me everything I need to do to make that adjustment SO much better for our whole family. She is a lifesaver!"

Jaime kennedy

chappaqua, NY

Mom of 1


So you're a psychologist but this isn't therapy?

Exactly! This is coaching--not therapy. The membership will give you access to the EXACT tools I teach moms in individual therapy--without the hefty price tag or long time periods.

Don't get me wrong--therapy is AMAZING & I love my therapy clients. However, not everyone wants it or has the time/ money.

Do I really need this?

If you are about to have a baby or recently had a baby and are trying to manage all the things (who isn't?) then the answer is YES!

In my experience, if you are asking if you need it then you probably do.

Click on the button below to find out who is a great fit for the membership.

What if I can't make the live calls?

I got you mama! Everything will be recorded so you can watch whenever you can grab a free minute. Also, you can pre-submit questions if you can't make it live or feel more comfortable that way.

Dr. Michelle Casarella | Mental Wellness Mamas, LLC.

Disclaimer: The information displayed on this page is solely for informational, educational, and entertainment

purposes only. Mental Wellness Mamas provides coaching and support to mothers and their families

and does not provide any medical or psychological advice.